Share Positivity and Happiness Always.
The is set to create awareness among people regarding Mental Health issues, Relationship issues and issues and difficulties of Adolescents and share with the people the simple but awesome strategies to resolve the issues through a positive mindset and adaptive attitudes. Here the personal experiences and also the expert’s advice on parenting, self-care and mental health issues are shared with the hope to share positivity and happiness always.

Our Values
Our values are the Empathetic Understanding, Co-operation, Empathy and Mutual Sharing to create awareness among people on the issues related to Parenting, Self-care, Relationship, Mental Health and others and try our level best to resolve the issues so that we can Grow Together.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to create awareness among people on the mental health issues, relationship issues, issues related with parenting especially parenting of adolescents and self-care and break the stigma and taboos related to sharing our mental health issues and other personal difficulties with the purpose of sharing positivity and happiness always.
Who are we?
We are one among You who is trying to create awareness among people regarding mental health and also try to help people who are struggling with relationship issues, parenting difficulties, self-awareness etc. This website is created by Archita De, a teacher working at Elementary level of Education for more than 20 years and have witnessed many people who are really struggling with mental health, parenting, relationship and lack of self-esteem. So, she has taken an initiative to help people to face the challenges of life and share positivity and happiness to some extent.
Make Mental Health Our Priority.

Our Presence
In this Mission of Sharing Positivity and Happiness, we are not only in but also in Facebook, Instagram and Linked in. Also, we have created an NGO ‘CHETANA’ registered under the Charitable Trust Act to create awareness among people regarding the mental health issues.
Our Works